This is a Marion Daze song that we never recorded as a demo. I'm not sure why as I like it. We were really hard on ourselves and we had no guidance. Maybe we just didn't think it was worthy. Our music surfaced when grunge was just taking off and we were different for the time we were living in. In the early 90s, internet didn't exist. There was no streaming service and email was debuting as the new way to communicate. And you really needed a record deal to make a good record. Those were hard to come by then. It's too bad Marion Daze didn't stick around as I think our songs would have gotten better and better. Maybe there is hope for a reunion?
Marion Daze - Live Somewhere on Bleecker Street at 13:10
By Julie Gengo/Ohad Varsano
We are only lovers
Holding our breath
We are only lovers
Consumed by innocence
We are only lovers
In revolving unrest
We are only lovers
Holding our breath
Diving in
With my hair down
The sound of waves
In the background
La dolce dolce
Far Niente
Mystery ends
With the laughter
And the rain
The rain.....
Bop bop bop bop
oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wah
Bop bop bop bop
oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wah
Bop bop bop bop
oh whoa whoa whoa whoa ah
Young and restless
Full moon in view
Count the beats
Between the two
The measure
Never lies to you
Slip down through
There's nothing
Left to do
To do
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
Diving in
With my hair down
The sound of waves
In the background
La dolce dolce
Far Niente
Slip down through
There's nothing
Left to do
To do
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
We are
Only lovers
We are only lovers
Only lovers
Holding our breath
New lyrics inspired by love or the lack there of. People you meet are strange. You think they know what they want, and then they flee before you turn your back. They tease you and tease you for what? Attention? Neediness? But then the real thing comes around but you still wonder why? Has it happened to you? There is a melody to this but I still need a guitar player partner. Know anyone who wants to help me get the right sound to these words? Hit me up, please. Of course, this is a draft that will probably morph into something quite different. It's written with a sense of humor so it's okay to smile....

By Julie Gengo
You're not interested in me
I understand
But quite frankly
I don't give a damn
A story that I knew
Not so long ago
I count my blessings
In a row
From Shakespeare's
To a William's kiss
In Patterson
Waterfalls on lips
You're not interested in me
I understand
And quite frankly
I don't give a damn
The world is turning
a round and
upside down
But you follow me
To the edge of town
I gave you everything
I had to give
You call my name
In a whisper kiss
You loved me for a moment
That I know
You stumble now
But can't let go
What is love?
Is it for the birds?
They come and go
Without any words
Just sweet songs to allure
They catch their mates
They're on their way
And for them
That's okay
But for me
I wanted you to stay
When Marion Daze was performing live, we usually opened up with this song. It had a good hook and the energy level was right. The song was about living in the East Village of New York and encountering all the people that lived on the street. This is still very relevant in a nation with so much money......San Francisco and Oakland are experiencing the impact of a housing shortage I believe caused by the greedy banks that cheated people and caused real estate to soar. A problem indeed. Thousands of people are living on the streets along the boulevards and under bridges and highways often surrounded by garbage. What is the solution?
Knock Knock - Live at CBGBs Marion Daze
Knock Knock
By Julie Gengo / Ohad Varsano
Running around
In a frazzled world
Past the man
With his potions unfurled
He knows where hes going
He knows how to pay
His secrets are tokens
In a non transferable way
He lives in a shell
Knock knock
Is the living well
I don't know why
I can't get to him
He lives in a shell
Knock knock
It's a living hell
I don't know why
I can't get to him
Traveling by night
In a fragile world
Pass the woman
Whose reading the words
Be kind to your neighbors
Don't tread on their hands
They live in the cracks
Of this bountiful land
She lives in a shell
Knock knock
Is the living well?
I don't know why
I can't get to her
She lives in a shell
Knock knock
It's a living hell
I don't know why
I can't get to her
Take my hand
I will lead you through
Down the
The corridor
To the big black room
If you take my hand
I will lead you through
Down the
The corridor
To the big black room
La la lum
la la la la la la la la lum.....